
Yo, dreadlocked white boy, I'm talking to you!

I love this site. It makes me laugh all the time. But I often wonder if there is a similar bizarro site somewhere in Asia that mocks westerners that get asian characters tattooed on them cough Angelina Jolie cough any art student cough. What would it be called? People think they are getting graceful and elegant sayings or themes like 'peace' or 'serenity' or 'wisdom' permanently marked on their bodies, but the truth is some comedian Chinese tattoo artist, sick of all the pseudo spiritual seekers appropriating their cultural icons instead fools them by tattooing something like 'greedy western capitalist pig' or 'eat more McDonalds, round eyes' onto various trendy places. I'd love to see this. All that being said, I confess I have tatts; perhaps one may have some sort of asian connection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this article might make you laugh then...