
Can you tell one animal from the next?

LambApparently, some people in Japan cannot: "Thousands of people have been 'fleeced' into buying neatly coiffured lambs they thought were poodles.

Entire flocks of lambs were shipped over from the UK and Australia to Japan by an internet company and marketed as the latest 'must have' accessory.

But the scam was only spotted after a leading Japanese actress said her 'poodle' didn't bark and refused to eat dog food."  Refused to eat dog food! Oh stop, my sides! Is this a joke? Reminds me of when people brought back 'chihuahuas" from down south only to discover *cough urban legend* they were actually rats! BTW, the two loves of my lives were giant poodles, a black one named Mischa and a white one named Dali. I used to be a poodle hater, I admit it. But these 2 dogs changed my mind really fast. I love poodles, not only 'cause they are supernaturally intelligent but because they have an amazing sense of humour.

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