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We forget sometimes. But you know what else? "Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies." Ralph Waldo Emerson. Here, we will play with all of the above. Oh yeah.
Pax says Merry Holidays!
Happy Happy Holiday
Crowded bridge collapses in Nepal
Suicide blasts kill 34 in Iraq
Faithful mark Christmas Day
Pope issues Christmas Day appeal
Turkish planes bomb rebels in Iraq.
Enjoy your orgy of gifts.
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I can't believe they cracked his code!
" — Police said a Somerset County man fled a traffic stop, went home, shaved his mustache and changed his clothes, and reported the truck he was driving as stolen.
Conemaugh Township police said they stopped Robert Sadlon, 50, for a broken taillight on Thanksgiving night and he ran off. Later, the same officer went to Sadlon's home near Stoystown to investigate the reported theft. There, he found a just-shaven Sadlon in different clothes.
Sadlon is charged with drunken driving, escape and related charges."
Source: The Tribune-Democrat, http://www.tribune-democrat.comBlogged with Flock
Europe is a country and everyone speaks french here
Just goes to show why any Hollywood entertainer (Will Smith, I'm looking at you) should never run for politics. Oh, what a half wit. The American school system should be so proud.
Stupid Contestant Answers
Bamber Gascoigne: What was Ghandi's first name?
Contestant: Goosey, Goosey?
Anne Robinson: In traffic, what "J" is where two roads meet?
Contestant: Jool carriageway.
Anne Robinson: Which Italian city is overlooked by Vesuvius?
Contestant: Bombay.
Anne Robinson: What insect is commonly found hovering above lakes?
Contestant: Crocodiles.
Anne Robinson: Wh...?
Contestant (interrupting): Pass!
Anne Robinson: In olden times, what were minstrels, travelling entertainers or chocolate salesmen?
Contestant: Chocolate salesmen.
Anne Robinson: The Bible, the New Testament. The Four Gospels were written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and...?
Contestant: (long pause) Joe?
Anne Robinson: Who was a famous Indian leader, whose name begins with G, revered by millions, who was assassinated and received a state funeral?
Contestant: Geronimo!
Eamonn Holmes: What's the name of the playwright commonly known by the initials G.B.S.?
Contestant: William Shakespeare.
Searle: In which European country is Mount Etna?
Caller: Japan.
Searle: I did say which European country, so in case you didn't hear that, I can let you try again.
Caller: Er... Mexico?
1) Something a blind man might use? - A Sword
2) A song with the word Moon in the title? - Blue Suede Moon
3) Name the capital of France? - F
4) Name a bird with a long Neck? - Naomi Campbell
5) Name an occupation where you might need a torch? - A burglar
6) Where is the Taj Mahal? - Opposite the Dental Hospital
7) What is Hitler's first name? - Heil
8) A famous Scotsman? - Jock
9) Some famous brothers? - Bonnie and Clyde.
10) A dangerous race? - The Arabs
11) Something that floats in a bath? - Water
12) An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers? - A horse
13) Something you wear on a beach? - A deckchair
14) A famous Royal? - Mail
15) Something that flies that doesn't have an engine? - A bicycle with wings
16) A famous bridge? - The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
17) Something a cat does? - Goes to the toilet
18) Something you do in the bathroom? - Decorate
19) A method of securing your home? - Put the kettle on
20) Something associated with pigs? - The Police
21) A sign of the Zodiac? - April
22) Something people might be allergic to? - Skiing
23) Something you do before you go to bed? - Sleep
24) Something you put on walls? - A roof
25) Something slippery? - A conman
26) A kind of ache? - A fillet of fish
27) A jacket potato topping? - Jam
28) A food that can be brown or white? - A potato
29) Something sold by gypsies? - Bananas
30) Something red? - My sweater
Presenter: Which is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world?
Contestant: Barcelona.
Presenter: I was really after the name of a country.
Contestant: I'm sorry, I don't know the names of any countries in Spain.
Wright: On which continent would you find the River Danube?
Contestant: India.
Wright: What is the Italian word for motorway?
Contestant: Espresso.
Wright: What is the capital of Australia? And it's not Sydney.
Contestant: Sydney.
Judy Finnegan: The American TV show 'The Sopranos' is about opera. True or false?
Contestant: True?
Judy Finnegan: No, actually, it's about the Mafia. But it is an American TV show,so I'll give you that.
Paul Wappat: How long did the Six Day War between Egypt and Israel last?
Contestant (after long pause): Fourteen days.
Presenter: Bob Hope was the fifth of how many sons?
Contestant: Four
Wood: What "K" could be described as the Islamic Bible?
Contestant: Er...
Wood: It's got two syllables... Kor...
Contestant: Blimey?
Wood: Ha ha ha ha no. The past participle of run...
Contestant: (Silence)
Wood: OK, try it another way. Today I run, yesterday I...
Contestant: Walked?
Daryl Denham: In which country would you spend shekels?
Contestant: Holland?
Daryl Denham: Try the next letter of the alphabet.
Contestant: Iceland? Ireland?
Daryl Denham (helpfully): It's a bad line. Did you say Israel?
Contestant: No.
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It's a Miracle
"Berry has said that she’s worked her way up from type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) to type 2 (formerly known as non-insulin dependent). While lots of people with Type 2 do have to use insulin (which is why they don’t call it non-insulin dependent anymore), all people with type 1 have to use it. The diseases aren’t actually close friends that you can upgrade and downgrade between. People with type 1 have islet cells in their pancreases that are destroyed, and thus no longer produce insulin. People with type 2 do produce insulin, but either not enough, or their bodies are no longer sensitive to it. They’re obviously complex diseases, but there’s a nutshell. Berry’s claims have contributed to further confusion about diabetes. She has enraged the diabetic community by claiming that’s she’s worked her way up from type 1 to type 2 diabetes, and has weaned herself off insulin.
Pregnant HALLE BERRY has angered diabetes experts, after claiming she had succeeded in downgrading the severity of her disease with a healthy diet. The actress was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes early on in her Hollywood career, but recently (Oct07) alleged that she has reclassified herself as a Type 2 diabetic simply through good living. But medical experts are enraged with her claims and have accused her of “confusing” fellow diabetics with her comments. A diabetes specialist tells, “If you come off insulin, then you were always a Type 2. She is feeding into all the confusion in the world.” People diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes cannot reverse their condition because their pancreas is destroyed, whereas Type 2 sufferers still internally produce some insulin."
[From Contact Music]
I have always thought she was such a phony baloney. Every crying face of hers is exactly the same, whether she is winning the Oscar or some rinky-dink beauty contest. Clearly, she practices these "amazed and unexpected" outcomes. Oh, bitch please. I look forward to more people calling out her phony fake self.Blogged with Flock
My favourite headline this week
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Fiction, meet reality
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No longer such a small world, eh fattie?
"Forty-one years after the whimsical ride debuted at the Anaheim park,Disneyland plans to shutter the attraction in January to give it a much-needed face-lift -- and deal with the delicate problem of bottoming-out boats.
Heavier-than-anticipated loads have been causing the boats to come to a standstill in two different spots, allowing for an extra-long gander at the Canadian Mounties and the Scandinavian geese, said Al Lutz, whose website MiceAge first reported the refurbishment plans. "If these boats get stuck . . . they have to send someone back in there to lighten the load on the boat," said Lutz, who has been on the ride when a guest or two was asked to disembark. "They've even built a platform next to that [Mounties] curve because they've had so many problems."
Disneyland plans to add an inch of depth to the water channel and design more-buoyant boats, Lutz said. Perhaps in an effort to protect visitors' egos, the park insists that fat tourists aren't to blame. The boats get stuck because "layers and layers" of fiberglass have built up where maintenance teams have patched and re-patched problem areas, said Disneyland Resort spokesman Bob Tucker. "The only thing that's true is that we are going down in January and it's for 10 months and it's to replace the flumes," Tucker said.
But Disneyland is well aware of America's expanding waistlines. In recent years, the park has redesigned many of its costumes and started stocking them in larger sizes to accommodate ever-expanding waistlines. Adult men and women are about 25 pounds heavier than they were in 1960, and 65% are considered overweight, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The average weight for men jumped from 166 pounds in 1960 to 191 pounds in 2002; women average 164 pounds instead of 140.
Of course, this is a world of fantasy and the perfect place to forget about that diet for a few hours. So when somebody gets booted from the boat, Lutz said, Disneyland ride operators make sure the guests don't leave disappointed: They hand them a food ticket."
Between the anorexic half wits of Hollywood and the fatties of the rest of the country, I fear the future bodes ill for our American neighbours to the south.
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Who knew they had feelings?
Just in time for Hallowe'en
Man in N.J. Charged with Having Sex with a Corpse
TEANECK, N.J. (1010 WINS) -- Police in Teaneck arrested a man for allegedly having sex with a corpse.
Anthony Merino, a 24-year-old lab technician, was arrested Sunday after a security guard saw him having sex with a dead 92-year-old woman in the Holy Name Hospital morgue, police said. The suspect works part time at Holy Name Hospital, holds a full time job at Overlook Hospital and another part time position at Bio Reference Labs in New Jersey.
Merino is charged with desecrating human remains in the second degree. His bail has been set at $400,000.
Merino is also expected to undergo a psychological evaluation and is restricted from working in a health care facility.
I believe I speak for most of us when I say "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! WTF?!" This dude puts the we'eny in Hallowe'en(y). Just a question tho, if this is "desecrating human remains in the second degree," what in the name of crap is desecrating in the FIRST degree?
We really need to get rid of Hollywood
I find it very depressing to read about the latest reality "star." I love this quote from The NYTimes about this bimbo and the entire phenomena of fame and celebrity:
How, one may ask, is it possible for a personality who great hunks of the citizenry never imagined existed to build up a social network more populous than Dallas? How can Tila Tequila have become enormously famous having done little of note beyond appearing as Playboy’s Cyber Girl of the Week? When exactly in the Warholian arc of fame did we arrive at a point where we create celebrities of people so little accomplished that they make Paris Hilton look like Marie Curie?
What does this say about us and where we are heading? I will not even use the word culture, as in pop culture or even low culture. There is no hint of any culture in this vicinity. Is it just me or is the world of porn rapidly being absorbed into this Hollywood cult of celebrity? The new porn aesthetique. Stripper poles and booty shots. Something once relegated to backrooms and brown paper bag economics has now become fixed squarely and defiantly under the spotlight. And we shouldn't be so dismissive by saying it is only a particular demographic that is the target. Thanks to the internet and other such technologies, Tila Tequila and her ilk are everywhere.
Sure we can admire her entrepreneurial initiative in selling herself and her sexual availability-- excuse me, the appearance of her sexual availability. We could. Does the product even matter? Just because she is selling herself rather than say, soup, does it make it more sleazy than Campbell's? Or is it all relative, and not about the product -- soup or sexual availability -- but rather the whole business of pimping selling process itself?
I am completely serious when I say that porn and Hollywood mainstream are totally merged. Why does Jenna Jameson (and her duck lips) walk the red carpet? Why is it cool to be part of the porn world? And not just cool as in "I hate my parents" cool, or "I am a total cokehead" cool and can't tell the real world from anything, but as in art and creative force and all that stuff.
Case in point, Dave Navarro. Let me just state for the record that I loved Jane's Addiction back in the day. And Dave Navarro was a bad mo-fo. Could he play that guitar?! He was no poseur, no douchebag, no sketchy looking ageing "producer" type. Now he has become a beacon of selling out for all sell out wannabees. Rockstar? His marriage with Carmen Electra? Does he do anything off camera? Maybe go to the bathroom ... hang on, what a great idea for other ageing hipsters who need colonics. Dave Navarro constipated! Let's watch him have his cancer/polyp checkup! But seriously, he has announced that he is now directly pornos. Yup, that's right. Once a talented tortured serious musician with gravitas now films people fucking. Here is his defence:
“Rock and porn exist to break taboos. Rock used to have that rebellious ‘up against the world’ creed . . . That doesn’t exist anymore in the music world - but it’s alive and well in the adult industry.” He adds: “It’s heartening to feel kin to a group of freewheeling individuals who don’t give a shit about approval.”
I agree about that whole music thing - cough Maroon 5 cough -- but come on! This was the ONLY alternative? Sure it's a free country and we can all do what we want bla bla bla but don't we have a resonsibility to elevate ourselves? The world? Tell me what bimbos like TT contribute to the world? And Dave Navarro?
Paris? Why no costume this year?
They've sucked me in
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Well, this is depressing
The most talked about person in TV, radio and print news for 2007, excluding politicans, was Paris Hilton, according to a survey by a Canadian communications company.
Oh, vey, just keeps getting worse, doesn't it? And btw, do you think that is the writer's REAL name? Or some clever nom de plume?
I USED to feel kinda bad ....
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No no NO!!!!
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Zarf?!! You're back!! Seriously though, this guy scares me. Someone get him a job on a soap. "Leave Britney alone! Please?!" He means it! He said she's not well right now. Um, SHE'S not well? Pot, the kettle's calling, pick up!
Uncannily Accurate
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Bitch, please!
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My latest Obsession
BBC's "Jekyll" with the deceptively sizzlin' James Nesbitt. Oh, la la, my gothic lovers, you have simply got to see this show.
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Miss Teen USA 2007 is such an inspiration
Feminist role models, take note. What the flick is she even saying?? But, hey, flawless manicure!
Oh. Mi. Gott.
Finnish version of YMCA. Further proof that white men are the worse dancers EVER. Can't you just feel the energy?
Who Knew She Could Still Ovulate?
Well, peeps, suddenly a new candidate for mother of the year has emerged. It's official, she's with child.
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