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We forget sometimes. But you know what else? "Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies." Ralph Waldo Emerson. Here, we will play with all of the above. Oh yeah.
Aw come on, this is cute overload. But wait, is it Adam and Eve otter, or -gasp- Adam and STEVE?!?!!?
Some after election fallout. Oh my God.
Patrick Bourgeois and Pierre-Luc Begin, in Le Quebecois, an online hardline sovereignist newspaper:
The two writers say the PQ hasn't done a good job promoting sovereignty and must work to "create (not wait for)" winning referendum conditions.
The PQ should sell the idea of creating a French-language country with a Quebec identity and a "republican" immigration model.
"By excluding identity arguments, we're leaving room for foolish nationalists who today find themselves in the Action democratique du Quebec - idiots incapable of even explaining their autonomy concept but who nevertheless scored points by jumping feet first into the reasonable accommodation issue ...
"Whether we accept it or not, immigration is a threat that weighs heavily on the future of the French fact in Quebec ... By allowing itself to be overly influenced by ideas currently in fashion on the Plateau Mont-Royal, the PQ has allowed itself to be marginalized on this issue."
The only way to ensure immigrants integrate is to make Quebec a country and ensure that immigrants reconnect with the French reality, they argue.
To read the rest of this thoughful, well-balanced and fair-minded piece, click here. Personally, I think we should all blame those Portuguese for every single problem Quebec has ever had or will have, eh Mateus?
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According the EOnline today:
Just a day after Trump inked a deal ensuring that both Miss USA and Miss Universe will be getting crowned on NBC until 2010, cable network CMT announced that it is opting not to televise the Miss America Pageant next year. What, no one wants to watch this dog and pony show?
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This guy kills me. Shut the hell up:
Sean Combs might want to consider changing his moniker again, to Whosyour Daddy. The rap mogul spent over a day getting down with the mother of his twins, Kim Porter, in Paris, he claimed in England's Daily Mirror. "We went up to my suite and had tantric sex for at least 30 hours, ordering up whipped cream and strawberries while we were at it.":
From todays NY Daily News, Rush and Malloy.
technorati tags:Puffy, Diddy, Whatever
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technorati tags:Burger, King, Peta, animal, cruelty
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Goes with the previous post. Yee haw ... damn that stupid evolution. is the shit. Check out their hi-LAR-ious commentary.
"A few months back, you might remember having seen the hilarious video in which Kirk Cameron and his ministry partner heterosexually use a banana to prove that the world was created by God, not by evolution. In fact, they call the banana the “athiest’s nightmare”. Well, according to this new video, the athiests have a new nightmare to haunt their dreams of a Godless world: peanut butter. So basically, if you eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich, Jesus will actually appear beside you and spank Darwin’s ghost while turning water into a cold, refreshing glass of milk."
Heterosexually use a banana. Hohoho stop! My sides!
technorati tags:Marilyn, Manson, gothic, anthem, vampire
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Really, it's a little like Buddhism if you think of it. Taken from today's Post:
"I DO think one should have clean feet. I clip, clip, clip and buff, buff, buff and really, anyone can spend time with some pumice stone. Maintenance is terribly important" - Manolo Blahnik to the London Observer.
technorati tags:Manolo, Blahnick
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My friend Maggie (she's linke in my friends) sent me this video. Hahahaha. Good one.
Our second contender for father of the year, Mr. Lindsay Lohan's father, claims he found the Lord while locked up for drunk driving, I believe. Why does this always happen, some loser/thug embraces religion and is saved. Yeah. I believe it. Just like John Abruzzi, a character in the show Prison Break, who was a vicious mob boss.Upon his return to prison general population after an asssassination attempt by another character, the charmingly named T-Bag, he became extremely religious, after having seen what he perceived as the image of the face of Jesus in a water stain on his cell wall. No, that's reasonable. Once I saw Jimi Hendrix in a pile of mashed potatoes at Easter time. It can happen. Although his religious faith was surely not fake, according to Wikipedia: "his overly friendly demeanor was. Abruzzi was in fact every bit as ruthless as before, going as far as to set up the kidnapping of Veronica Donovan as a means of forcing Fibonacci's location out of Michael. Michael never came to learn of this, since Veronica escaped from Abruzzi's clutches. Nevertheless, Abruzzi continued to act benign while still inside the prison walls." So, there, people can not be hypocritical liars when they are religious. Of course not.
technorati tags:Prison, Break, Religion, Abruzzi, father, of, the, year
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While some people cough vapid privileged socialites and coke hoovering actresses cough just made a killion dollars for flashing their naughty bits, I mean, doing nothing, this is what happened today:
how many animals suffered?
a random day in Darfur?
how's my Ozone layer
and last but not least, any heinous English errors? WTF does this mean anyway?
technorati tags:Paris, ozone, factory, farming, Darfu,
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THE crew making The Winter of Frozen Dreams in upstate Schenectady was horrified when the father/manager of star lady Thora Birch insisted on watching the filming of her sex scenes with Dean Winters. Even though it’s industry practice to shoot sex scenes on a closed set, Jack Birch - who met Thora’s mother, Carol Connors, as her co-star in Deep Throat - demanded to be present as his daughter and Winters simulated intercourse last week.“It was so wrong,” said one insider. “The director is saying, ‘Harder! Faster!’ and the father is giving Winters the thumbs up.”
Her dad,
who “looks like Charles Manson”
in a “full-length leather coat and wraparound sunglasses, even at night” - was described in a review of his Road of Death (1973) as “a muscle-stud . . . so unphotogenic you can’t take your eyes off him.”
This sounds like one of the dysfunctional families we talk about in my gothic literature class, Ravens and Shadows. What the hell kind of father wants to watch his daughter
havingsimulating sex? I believe the official word is "ick." Can you imagine storytime in this house? I envision live reenactments and a lot of overshares. We should introduce him to Lindsay Lohan's mom. What a powerhouse team they would make. Can you see it? Boogie Nights 4!
Thanks to for picture of Charlie Manson. Thanks to for picture of poor unfortunate Thora.
technorati tags:father, of, the, year, dina, lohan, ick, thora, birch
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The following meditation on the above video is from I thought it was a terrific analysis and wanted to post it for all to read.
Beginning and ending with shots of children on the streets of Jamaica, Richie Spice's video for "Youths Are So Cold" is a revealing look at the depressingly cyclical situation of his homeland. Just as the song laments a suffocating system of poverty, violence and lack of education, director Ras Kassa The Guru shows us a visual world of underground alleyways and insurmountable walls. And while the environment is specific to one country, the message of the video is relevant for anyone, anywhere in the world.
The camera comes in through the roof above Richie Spice in an early shot, and from this moment forward we are within the confines of Spice's world. The narrative focuses on a couple of violent acts in the name of monetary gain, but it does not attempt to romanticize these depictions. Though the young boy who stabs an innocent girl in order to obtain her cellphone is clearly in the wrong, his situation is far more complicated than we can imagine. Not only has he likely grown up in poverty and hunger, as Spice sings "searching for food for the pot, they'll do anything to fill that gap," but he has little faith in society to provide any opportunity for him to transcend his upbringing. A bespectacled white man observes events from a bridge but doesn't move to help, and the subsequent police brutality simply reaffirms the kid's feeling of worthlessness.
Spice comments on the sun shining each day, but the video underlines his opinion that it's simply an "illusion" of happiness; turning the bright colors of a freshly painted wall into dull grays. Within the same scene, as a teenage boy paints those walls, there is an elderly man staring blankly at the camera next to Spice. Life can turn so quickly from the hopeful sunshine of youth to the bitter regret of old age, and this is perhaps the greatest pain that Spice feels. He stands somewhere between the two other characters, at the crossroads of his life. What he realizes is that too many lives are spent solely on survival, rather than pursuing and utilizing the optimism of childhood.
The youth are both literally and figuratively left out in the cold in this process. Spice believes it starts with access to education, but it is equally important to consider what children are actually being taught in classrooms. Even kids who go to school their entire lives end up "cold" and disillusioned as a result of being educated to consistently doubt themselves. Somewhere along the way the spirit of life is suppressed and the fire put out. The goal is to raise everyone out of the slums of hopelessness, but step one is expressing our emotions openly rather than walking blindly over bridges; so that we might inspire the younger generations. With this video Richie Spice has made a valiant first move.
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This is one of my favourite remakes. I'd love to hear other people's favourites.
Jeff Corwin is an animal biologist who roves the planet, usually for CNN, exposing many dangers which threaten our animal friends. Apparently he was "roughed up" by an elephant at some sort of animal sanctuary that takes in animals rescued from the wildlife trade. If you know nothing about this despicable practice, then I beg you to do just a little reading up on it. A lot of animals are prized for their supposed magical medical properties. Since 1970, for instance, more than 90 percent of the world's wild rhinos have disappeared, slaughtered by the thousands for one primary reason: their magnificent horns. In Asia particularly, horns are used as some sort of Viagara. Bear parts are also believed to be medical superheroes. Elephants are heading for extinction.
So whenever I hear people like my BFF Paris say some shit like, "I love animals!" or "I want a pet monkey!" I become not only enraged but profoundly sad. (This reminds me of the time I met a real estate agent who was wearing a monster fur coat - ick- who deludely told me she loved animals. Yeah, loved WEARING them! Anyway, that's another rant.)
Either these animal collectors are unaware of the evilness of the illegal trade of exotic animals, or they do know and simply don't care. I don't know which is worse. Makes me think of the Nick Cave song "People Ain't No Good." Is that true? Are we no good? While watching the video of Jeff Corwin get "attacked" by the elephant, I stumbled across Anderson Cooper's blog. He talks abit more about this problem. You can see the video of Jeff here too. Thanks to for the pix.
technorati tags:Wildlife, Paris, Hilton, Monkey, AndersonCooper, Jeff, Corwin
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AP - Rat poison was found in the pet food suspected of causing kidney failure that killed at least 16 cats and dogs, but scientists still don't know how it got there, state officials said Friday.
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I love dogs. I love comedy. Used to love Letterman. This is a giggle fest. His dog is so cute.
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We both use television as a teaching tool and in fact, Erin teaches a Televison as Literature course, which is, as one could imagine, very popular. I have shown, in the past, episodes of such shows as Six Feet Under, CSI and Millennium to name a few. Right now I am trying to work out how to show an episode of Dexter (and Prison Break Season 1) in my gothic literature class, Ravens and Shadows.
Each excellent show spotlights different ideas I would like to explore with my students. For example, we talk about the contemporary fears, such as the fear of serial killers. Dexter Morgan is a (hot) serial killer. We also talk about wolves in sheep’s clothing, monstrous sexuality as well as disconnection, and especially disconnection in urban areas, in my class. I like it. I hope my wonderful students do too.
Prison Break is so authentically gothic in its excessiveness as well as unbelievable incredible plot narrative. It just has so many things I would enjoy discussing in my class, the biggest being the actual prison metaphor. The castle of the 18th century is replaced by the prisons of today. But the show is not just about its setting; it demonstrates in a very sensitive and subtle way just how much the past not only forms us but continues to haunt us everyday.
Both of these shows also examine whether monsters are born or made and are the lead characters of Dexter Morgan and Michael Scofield (Michael C. Hall and Wentworth Miller) bad men doing good things or good men forced to do bad. Intriguing.
I probably will end up writing about both these shows a lot, in a huge egghead nerd way.
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*sigh* what a great waste of talent. RIP beautiful.
Was it really that long ago that the Spice Girls sang about cutey pie female empowerment? The message was highly appreciated if not the spirit in which it was delivered. But, WTF? Is this the same former Spice girl now caressing body while flirtily singing "I want candy?" Um, paging Dr. Freud. It doesn't take a genius to analyse this video. Oh, and just to be snarky for a minute, who is the lame ass choreographer that put this piece of shit routine together? The drunk guy panhandling in front of the SAQ? *sigh* where are all the groovy role models?
Oh man, this guy is both smart and sexy. An irrestible combo ...yummy yum yum.
But in a cool kinda hollywood horror blockbuster way. Not. Is this from all the damage we've done to the environment? Some sort of punishment from God? A new species just waiting to take us over? Guess we'll find out soon enough *cue scary music*
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Argh ... you can tell these people are really self-satisfied ... or maybe I'm just being a bee-yatch? Actually they are probably really nice people who do NOT listen to 80s music "ironically" with their hipper than thou haircuts and their ahead of everyone else taste in music. They are probably really nice. Did I mention sneakers? Damn, forgot sarcastic comment about sneakers.
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technorati tags:Pinkisthenewblog, Trent
This officer-of-thepeace has great difficulty catching his breath. He also has difficulty not giggling. I think he's high.
Wow. Well, he WAS Tony Manero. This is not as bad as I thought it would be. The dewrag, however ... Anyways, who does he think he's fooling. You know he walked off that stage a huffin' and a puffin' muttering "Oh vey" and clutching his chest.